Thursday, March 3, 2011

Signs Of Spring

So we were all excited to go outside on this beautiful day. After weeks of the weather being cold we finally had one warm day. So we had to take advantage of it. The first sign that we saw was a tree by the sidewalk. It had a bunch of red blooms That means the buds are about to bloom into flowers. The sun was beaming down upon us and it felt good. The wind was blowing slightly as well. You could hear the cars in the distance passing down the highway. The second sign of spring was down towards the bus garage. The trees there were blooming as well. I could see moss growing on the ground. Buses were passing and a police car with a dog in it. We could hear a bird chirping too. The wind was less intense since we had went down the hill some. The third sign of spring that we spotted was at the pond. All the birds were gone which was significant because we inferred that they had all gone back north since it was getting warmer. There was also a caterpillar cocoon attached to a sapling. We still heard the buses along with the wind. Then all of a sudden there was a huge boom from a dump truck. The fourth sign was further into the woods where we found another cocoon from a caterpillar. The wind had died down as we got further into the woods. Then Ms. Richardson saw out of the corner of her eye a hawk fleeing from the pond. On our way back to the school we saw these small mud piles. Ms. Richardson educated us and told us that they were crawdad holes where they stayed dormant for the winter.

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