Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Crustaceans and Enchinoderms
Ruby Brittle Star-Ophioderma rubicundum
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Encinodermata
Class- Ophiuroidea
Order- Ophiurida
Family- Ophiodermatidae
Genus- Ophioderma
Species-  Rubicundum
Blue Sea Star (Linckia Laevigata)
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Encinodermata
Class- Asteroidea
Order- Valvatida
Family- Ophidiasteridea
Genius- Linckia
Species- L. laevigata
Hermit Crab (Paguristes cadenati)
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Arthropoda
Class- Malacostraca
Order- Decapoda
Family- Diogenidae
Genius- Paguristes
Species- Paguristes Cadenati
Male Lemon Yellow Fiddler Crab (Uca perplexa)
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Arthropoda
Class- Malacostraca
Order- Decapoda
Family- Ocypodidae
Genius- Uca 
Species- U. perplexa

Blue Lobster (Homarus Americanus)
Kingdom- Animalia
Phyum- Arthropoda
Class- Malacostraca
Order- Decapoda
Family- Nephropidae
Genius- Homarus
Species- H. Americanus
California Sea Cucumber (Parastichopus californicus)
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Encinodermata
Class- Holothuroideaia
Order- Aspidochirotida
Family- Stichopodidae
Genius- Parastichopus
Species- P. Californicus

One similarity between Crustaceans and Echinoderms is that they both have the capability of regenerating. Sea cucumbers can throw out their organs to the predator. The predator will eat them and then the cucumber can regenerate them. The fiddler crab can lose its big claw and it will come back on the opposite arm.They also both have symetry about them. Crustaceans have bilateral symetry which means that you can divide them into two parts and its simply a reflection. Enchinoderms have radial symetry which means that from their central disc, they branch off evenly.

Some of the differences are that Echinoderms' skeleton is on the inside. The endoskeleton is called a test. The have a central disc in which they regenerate from. They also have no body segments. They include sea stars, sea urchins, brittle stars, sea cucumbers, and feather stars. The Crustaceans have segmented appendages, which means legs. Most have 5 pair and the first is usually claws. They have a tough exoskeleton which is made of chitin which provides them with protection. They also molt which means they shed their exoskeleton. They take on water when they do this so it is big enough for their growing bodies. After they shed they are soft and most vulnerable. They include crabs, lobsters, clams, and shrimp.

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