Thursday, March 10, 2011

Site observations day 4

On this particular day i wasn't with the rest of the class. I had been suspended all week and Ms. Richardson wanted me to find a place with some algae in it. I found the perfect place behind my house since we own part of the creek there. At site one directly behind my house the water is kinda shallow. The bank on one side is very high and tree roots stick out of it. The lower part had some grass and saplings growing in the dirt. At night time you can always here the frogs making noises. If you look into the water you can see newts and minnows swimming around. There are bugs all over and spider webs between about every tree. It was a very warm day and it felt amazing. There was mud and clay all over down there. I could hear my dog following me down there cause she loves to get in the water. I could also hear squirrels running through the brush. At site two i found one of the biggest trees ive ever seen. It was half dead and crawling with termites and bugs. It was beginning to decompose and break apart. I could hear the crows in the distance making noise and squirrels running across branches. I could feel the wet leaves under my shoes. The sun had shifted and i was in the shade now, but it still felt pretty good outside. At site three i went to a deeper and wider part of the creek. The water there ran a little faster I could see the green algae growing upon the rock on the bottom of the creek. Im sure there was a bunch of crawdads and fish in there cause it was the perfect habitat for them. I could hear the squirrels barking as i went through the woods showing they were upset. I could feel the fresh air go through my lungs and the rocks shifting under my feet. At the final site there was a tree that had fallen down and began to decompose. There was probably a bunch of bugs and organisms inside of it. Moss and fungus had began to cover the tree speeding up its decomposition. I could hear my neighbors leaf blower running as he tried to remove the leaves from his yard. I started to head back to my house since the sun was beginning to go down and it started to get a little cold.

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