Thursday, March 10, 2011

Kelp in your cupboard

In this unit we went over plankton and marine plants. After reviewing about plankton our teacher wanted us to go home and discover the uses for the seaweed. surprisingly a lot of products in an average house contain seaweed. Italian dressing contains is an alginate which comes from brown algae like giant kelp. It helps mix oil and water to form one mixture. Toothpaste also contains seaweed know as carrageenan. It is contained in it in order to make it gel like. Evaporated milk contains carrageenan as well. Vanilla pudding contains alginate to make all the ingredients mix to form one smooth product. Yellow cake mix and chicken noodle soup contain beta carotene to make it a yellow orange color. These are just a few of the many products that contain algae. Algae is very important and can be used in a variety of ways. Ms. Richardson was trying to depict to us that it wasn't just the slimy goo that you see in the water. It is also used in many things you eat every day.

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