Wednesday, February 9, 2011

observation day 3

It wasn't quite as cold out on this particular day and we decided to head a different way through the woods. The first site was in the commons courtyard. I remember eating there so long ago, but i never thought about looking for signs of life. There wasn't much other than a few holes that some bugs might of lived in. The only sounds were from our class and the wind. I wasn't too cold until i had to cross the open field. It was a cloudy and dark day. At site two we saw a multitude of things including a worm and a hole for some kind of animal. It was mostly quiet. With the exception of the wind and a few car that drove by. It was a little colder in the shade as well.  At site three near the edge of the woods there was a gathering of feathers from a male duck. We inferred that the duck had probably been caught at the pond and dragged across the field into the woods by a fox or some kind of larger predator. It was less windy in the woods in the cover of the trees. There was the sound of cars and the crinkling of leaves under my feet. At site four there was a bunch of concrete blocks that got busted up. We could feel the sun on our faces and heard cars driving by. Under a pile of busted concrete in different sizes, there was a bunch of frozen ants that might have been hibernating or something. There was also a lot of moss and mold upon the logs and such. Pine cones and pine needles were scattered all over the ground. Then we rushed to head inside to the heat.

1 comment:

  1. Kade- we went out today and looked at algae in the water- if you can post some observations in the next couple days about a nearby water source and the algae in it, that will be your fifth blog entries. Email me if you have any questions- I'll send your assignments through your gtest email unless you email me differently.
