Monday, January 31, 2011

Observation Day 2

On day two i was not looking forward to going outside due to the previous day being so cold. But, it had warmed up and it wasn't as bad as i had thought it would be. At site one went to the pond and snuck up on the geese. We didn't really get close enough to get a good picture. It was cold when the wind blew and we could hear the sound of buses in the background. It was kind of muddy on the ground and a little wet where it was close to the pond. At site two there was a lot of pine needles, leaves, and pine cones. We could hear some sort of bird high in the trees. It was still cold but the wind had died down as we got further into the woods. At site three a hawk was flying high above the tree tops. You could hear the leaves gently rustling in the background. Ms. Richardson tried to get everyone to be quiet so that we could hear something but by the time we had everything was probably scared off. It was kinda dark since we were under the cover of the trees. I was feeling pretty tired from all the walking and it was about time to head back to the school. At site four the buses were preparing to leave the bus garage to pick up students. We saw many trees that had fallen many years ago and had begun to rot and decay in order to become a part of the forest. Its weird to think that all that stuff rots and eventually turns into the soil and you cant tell what it is any longer. The sun came out and began to shine on us warming our faces. It felt amazing and made me want to take a nap. There was a couple acorns on the ground too that had been stored by the squirrels over the winter.

Site Observation Day 1

Site 1:
As we left the school and headed  towards the pond with my classmates. This was probably the coldest day we had experienced with our observations. At site one we were looking for signs of life as we approached the baseball field.It was extremely cold as we all shivered unprepared for our adventure. As we were scanning the woods looking for signs of life someone pointed out some animal scat. The wind blew furiously causing leaves to scatter about. I was absoultly freezing. We all had that kind of first day where we didn't know what to do and we didn't really talk so it was pretty quiet. At site two we ventured deeper into the woods. There was a multitude of trees that had fallen over and had started to decay into the forest floor. It got pretty quiet as we got deeper we could hear the distant sound of the cars passing by on the highway. The wind had died down since the trees were blocking it. I couldn't feel much cause it was so cold i had began to go numb. At site three we approached the creek and realized it was cold enough to freeze it over. It wasn't frozen solid though. I could feel all the briers that had gotten stuck in my legs while we trampled through the woods. All we could hear was the sound of our classmates. I felt like running into the school and getting as close as i could to a heater. At site four the wind continued to blow throughout out trip and making it unbearable. It was the last stop before we headed inside. As we neared the open field it began to get colder. We were out in the open so the wind seemed like it was blowing even harder. There was a trench or cut out in the ground as if some kind of creek or something had once went through it. I couldn't feel a thing as we ventured back to the school.